My Go-To Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

This isn’t a pin I found on Pinterest, but I posted this on the site because it’s just too good of a recipe to not share. Every girl needs a “go-to” chocolate chip cookie recipe that you use as a base for all other similar cookies. This has become a staple with my family and friends since I tend to whip them up for family dinners, pot-lucks, holidays or as a gift for any occasion.
The original recipe belongs to Martha Stewart. I picked this because I love soft and chewy cookies. I don’t believe hard cookies should ever exist in my kitchen. I have used this recipe as a base from peanut butter cookies to christmas coloured mint chocolate chip cookies. 
Another thing that I love about this recipe that it is very easy to follow. It is the ultimate fail-proof recipe.
For this occasion, I decided to bake a patch of cookies for a friend I was having dinner with that I haven’t seen in a while. I had some extra so I also gifted some of them for other friends and families. I bought tiny M&Ms from Save On Foods from those bulk bins, but was surprised by how much it was. Three cups was almost $14! Either the cash register rung it up incorrectly or it’s really that expensive …. I recommend just purchasing the bagged ones in the baking aisle.
I picked myself up a Hamilton Beach Classic Hand/Stand Mixer for only $25 (from $75.99) on my last trip to the States! My mom never allowed me to have one when I was younger because she said I was going to get fat (haha thanks Mom). It works amazingly, but the only complaint is that the mixers do not reach the very bottom of the bowl, so if the mixture is very little (pictured above), I have to move the bowl up and down.
I cut down the sugar to only half a cup of brown sugar and 1/3 cup of white sugar. It’s just too sweet with the original suggestions.
The M&Ms make me feel like a child again.
Final product! Cookies are always soft if you keep it in an air-tight container and can last up to two weeks from experience. Makes about 3 dozen.
Do you have any go-to cookie recipes? Share the love and let me know through Twitter or comment below!

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