
Like many of you, I have become extremely addicted to Pinterest. Giving me hopes of a house I will probably never have and a wedding that I definitely won’t be planning in the near future. However, if you excuse the million of posts that makes a girl dream about a life she wants, there are just as many posts for recipes, clothes, beauty and DIY crafts that you can do right now.
In the beginning, I pinned a lot, but didn’t undertake any of the projects besides a few recipes here and there. After moving back home to Vancouver with a little more free time on my hands, I’ve decided to start a simple blog to document the different projects I will be doing inspired by Pinterest!
I have never been a crafty person, so Pinterest has been a great way for me to learn and experiment. I want to be a girl who can cook a full meal for her family. A friend who gives DIY gifts so it means something. I want to experiment with fashion trends. I want to have a cozy home full of meaningful items.
Follow me on Twitter and Pinterest. Let me know how Pinterest has changed your life and what kind of projects you have worked on.
Good, bad, crazy, you will see it all. Wish me luck!
xo Sabrina

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