My Go-To Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

This isn’t a pin I found on Pinterest, but I posted this on the site because it’s just too good of a recipe to not share. Every girl needs a “go-to” chocolate chip cookie recipe that you use as a base for all other similar cookies. This has become a staple with my family and friends since I tend to whip them up for family dinners, pot-lucks, holidays or as a gift for any occasion.
The original recipe belongs to Martha Stewart. I picked this because I love soft and chewy cookies. I don’t believe hard cookies should ever exist in my kitchen. I have used this recipe as a base from peanut butter cookies to christmas coloured mint chocolate chip cookies.  Continue reading

Chicken and Asparagus Pasta

I found this recipe a few days ago and wanted to try it. I’m usually a heavy sauce and pasta kinda girl, so this “healthier” alternative was a nice change to my usual meat sauce.
Like Cris, I tweaked the recipe a little. Instead of penne, I used spinach ravioli that I picked up from Costco that I was dying to try. Instead of parmesan, I used mozzarella-cheddar since it was already pre-shredded and in my fridge. I also seasoned my chicken with salt, pepper and a lot of lemon. I grew up with food that was cooked in very little salt. That was just how my mother prepared meals, but as I started cooking for myself, I was told constantly by friends that my food was – gulp – bland. So, I started cooking with a little more salt until I found a good balance of flavour and healthy.  Continue reading

Accessories Room

This is my little accessories room in my new apartment! My first Pinterest project that wasn’t food related. I love this because I have always had issues keeping my shoes dust free (and away from my nosy cat) and my jewelry altogether without misplacing them. My cousin also has one entire room as her closet in her newlywed home, which inspired me to do one of my own if I had the space! Lucky enough, the apartment I recently started living in has a storage space! The shoe shelf is an Ikea bookshelf, which has been a life saver in the past few weeks with job interviews, meetings and dates! This idea was mainly inspired by the below post I saw on Pinterest. Continue reading