Accessories Room

This is my little accessories room in my new apartment! My first Pinterest project that wasn’t food related. I love this because I have always had issues keeping my shoes dust free (and away from my nosy cat) and my jewelry altogether without misplacing them. My cousin also has one entire room as her closet in her newlywed home, which inspired me to do one of my own if I had the space! Lucky enough, the apartment I recently started living in has a storage space! The shoe shelf is an Ikea bookshelf, which has been a life saver in the past few weeks with job interviews, meetings and dates! This idea was mainly inspired by the below post I saw on Pinterest.
I love this part of the room. The table belonged to my late grandma who used it as her study desk in the house I grew up in. The huge ash tray was my dad’s when he came to Vancouver to visit, which now holds the items I wear on a daily basis. The necklace and ring holder were gifts from my cousins and some of the jewelry you see belonged to my mother who passed them down to me in recent years.
My bag holder is a coat rack from, you guessed it, Ikea. Great way to have your bags accessible and altogether. The mirror was mine from the house I grew up in and repainted white for this room. The Swarovski heart was a gift from an old boyfriend back in high school that lived in a box for about six years until I finally found a use for it!
It’s a very small room, but moving from city to city in the past six years, I have misplaced, sold, donated or lost many items along the way so it’s perfect for me. I have gotten amazing feedback on this room and inspired a few to do one of their own!

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