My Go-To Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

This isn’t a pin I found on Pinterest, but I posted this on the site because it’s just too good of a recipe to not share. Every girl needs a “go-to” chocolate chip cookie recipe that you use as a base for all other similar cookies. This has become a staple with my family and friends since I tend to whip them up for family dinners, pot-lucks, holidays or as a gift for any occasion.
The original recipe belongs to Martha Stewart. I picked this because I love soft and chewy cookies. I don’t believe hard cookies should ever exist in my kitchen. I have used this recipe as a base from peanut butter cookies to christmas coloured mint chocolate chip cookies.  Continue reading

Chicken and Asparagus Pasta

I found this recipe a few days ago and wanted to try it. I’m usually a heavy sauce and pasta kinda girl, so this “healthier” alternative was a nice change to my usual meat sauce.
Like Cris, I tweaked the recipe a little. Instead of penne, I used spinach ravioli that I picked up from Costco that I was dying to try. Instead of parmesan, I used mozzarella-cheddar since it was already pre-shredded and in my fridge. I also seasoned my chicken with salt, pepper and a lot of lemon. I grew up with food that was cooked in very little salt. That was just how my mother prepared meals, but as I started cooking for myself, I was told constantly by friends that my food was – gulp – bland. So, I started cooking with a little more salt until I found a good balance of flavour and healthy.  Continue reading